Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy Birthday to me.

Well, May 29th came and went. I forgot the name of the proxy site on the school's system, so I wasn't able to post that day. But it was my birthday, just so you know. I got the Orange Box and Guitar Hero 2. I may have reviews of them up soon, but no promises. I will say, however, that Guitar Hero 2 wasn't really up to my expectations (Not enough songs that I knew), and playing through two games just to get to Half-Life 2: Episode 2 really seems daunting. Since you can basically split all gamers into two catagories, people who like Halo and people who like Half-Life, I figure I might try to sample a bit of the foundation people base their flames on. Team Fortress I could care less about, seeing as I have no XBL, but Portal is actually very fun, and has some of the darkest, pitch black humor I've ever heard in a game. Plus, even Yahtzee Croshaw couldn't think of any critizism for it. That alone makes me want to get it. So yeah. That's about all I got.

It may be a couple more weeks before I get the computer back, guys. :(

Hentai forever,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting coincidence; I just had my birthday as well (the day you posted this, June 3). I got a brand new MacBook laptop and don't think I'm going to get anything else for a long time.

I can't really agree with your categorization of gamers though. Some gamers, myself included, don't like first-person shooters (Halo, Half-Life, or whatever the hell else) at all and only play Japanese-made RPG's and fIghting games (and the occasional side-scrolling platformer).

Anyways, that aside, happy birthday, I suppose; even if it is a little late.