Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's like Super Smash Brothers Brawl... except with extremely hot anime chicks.

If there is a god, his name is Monty Oum. I don't know any of the characters, but it doesn't fucking matter. Only someone with divine powers could do something like this.

And this, if you're a halo or metroid fan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. I had seen the first one before. This guy does some really incredible work. it kind of loses it's appeal after awhile not knowing all the characters (Final Fantasy fan, never touched Dead or Alive or wherever else the characters come from). Still, it's a very well made animation.

The second one also seems well made, but it seemed a little boring to me as I knew even less characters (of course I at least know who Master Chief is but I have no connection to his character. With Metroid I only play the 2D side scrollers so the characters from the Prime series are unknown to me). Still Monty Oum is incredible at what he does.