Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Reviews of all Abridged Series

Alright, now. I'm gonna do something a little different and do a comparison between three abridged series: Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, and the original, Yu-Gi-Oh. All three of them have their strong points that make them good. BTW, Naruto is made by MasakoX and Vegeta3986, YYH is made by Lanipator, and as everyone knows, YGO is made by LittleKuriboh. Of these four masters, only LittleKuriboh and MasakoX have been taken off Youtube.

But first, a message to all people trying to make an abridged episode with just a microphone: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP! I can't count how many brain-numbing, ear-bleeding Bleach abridged series I've seen, much less suffered through the first minute of.

Alright, first up is Naruto Abridged. A friend told me about this a few months ago, and I've been hooked ever since. It has a huge cast of extremely funny characters, and it is quick to point out the stereotypes in Naruto, such as Sakura always PMSing and never being touched in a fight. Rock Lee's Beatles haircut is also and item of much ridicule. Plus, who can forget Gaara of the Funk? The only problem with this abridged series is that the episodes in the beginning were only 5 minutes long, as opposed to the 8-9 of Lanipator and 6-7 of LK.

"Psst, Naruto, aren't you going to stop them?"-Sakura.
"He's hurting Konohamaru!"
"And... you assume I care?"
"Oh. I thought you did."

Now onto the first, and still considered by some to be the best, Yu-Gi-Oh abridged. This was the first Abridged series ever made, and sparked a world of controversy with Youtube, eventually ending in him being taken off the site. Regardless, he still continued to make the videos on his site, and deticated fans of his keep posting them on Youtube. This abridged easily has the most episodes, with over 27 if you count Marik's Evil Council of Doom and YGO: Cr*psule monsters. The jokes are still awesome, and the stereotypes really make you think WTF were these guys thinking when they made this series? On the downside, it seems like every male character in the show is either gay or a shemale. This mainly applies to Pegasus and Bakura, but it spreads over to other characters too.

"Hey everyone! Look at me! I'm Seto Kaiba! I have a dragon fetish and I sound like Brock from Pokemon! Screw the rules, I'm in love with Nurse Joy!"-Yami.
"That's it Moto, you're f*cking DEAD!"-Kaiba.

And so the last one, and in my opinion, the funniest is Yu Yu Hakusho abridged. This was the first violent anime I ever watched that I actually realized was an anime, and not the TV screwing up. Unlike the other abridged series, Lanipator's videos are relatively long, at 8 to 9 minutes long each. Plus, he regularly has "specials" with his characters, such as the renowned Yusuke Rants videos. He also has a few v-blogs. Plus, the thought of Rando being a rapper is probably the funniest character I've ever seen. Watching the entire series, though, is kind of hard when it takes around an hour and a half.

"I'm gonna pop a spirit cap in yo ass, sucka!"-Rando. (I love that line.)

I would totally suggest that anyone who hasn't watched any of these should definetely check them out. The best place to go would obviously be youtube.

Hentai forever,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey this is kibainuzu just saying ill try to check out the YYH abridged and the YGH. i saw a bit of the 1st episode from YGH. The actual show of YYH was really cool! Kuwabara had to fight this evil demon and the demon shrunk him to a very small size and crushed nearly every bone in his body. Yusuke fought the demon too but i cant remember what happened.....