Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Video Game Quick-hits.

Although I am very depressed that no one is reading (Or at least commenting) this, I suppose I should blog about something other than crappy Korean movies. I guess I'm going to be reviewing video games now. This is just my limited collection, so if you can suggest any 360 games, I'd be happy to oblige.


By 2nd favorite game is undoubtedly Halo 3. Halo 2 was just awesome, and H3 is an improvement on the first in every aspect. The multiplayer is much more refined, and the weapons are much more balanced than the first time around. the graphics have been given a great makeover, too. With all the achievements to unlock, and the unparralelled multiplayer, this is definitely one to fork out the 100$ for. And I say that because you will be dropping the fourty dollars for XBL immediately after you get this game. That is, if you don't lose the Ethernet cable first.

Next is Bioshock. Winner of god-knows how many Game of the Year awards, I think it deserved every one of them. The insanely spooky atmosphere gave me the creeps even after I turned the console off. I felt myself dreaming of Little Sisters and looking around the corner for Big Daddies for weeks after I finished this game. Every time I hear steel-toed clank on metal, I reach for the nearest wrench. Though it doesn't have any multiplayer to speak of, and DLC is pretty much nonexistant, it's still a great buy. Give 2k games your vote, and another 60 dollars. Trust me, they deserve it.


Probably my favorite single-player game on the list, Call of Duty 4 comes complete with everything any FPS fan could want. Though the storyline may be a bit worn thin (Nukes, Middle-East, blah, blah, blah), the interactivity gives you the chance to see the characters like no cheesy action movie can. The graphics are simply amazing, and the cover system is both innovative and frustrating. I say frustrating because die-hard Halo fans like me are used to running straight into a firefight, usually screaming "Ph34r m4h j(_)5t1c3!" But it does add a very unique style of gameplay that games like Army of Two can only try to replicate. Split-screen can be a little iffy, with most of the kills going to the person who gets the first shot in. LAN matches are great, or so I've heard. Break out the CC and shell out another 60; this is definitely a must-buy for any fan of the COD series or first person shooters in general.

The game I probably have the most fun with is Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. Before the hate starts flying about how I should get Rock Band, lemme tell you this. One-hundred and sixty five dollars, used! I am not willing to shell out that kind of money when it's just me and my brother playing. I think it would be cool to buy just one instrument at a time, but that would kind of defeat the purpouse. Guitar Hero 3 is a very good game to pick up and play, but it certianally takes some skill to make it anywhere in this biz. Trust me kids, you will not be doing TTFAF on Expert anywhere in the next few weeks... or months... or years, if you suck. There aren't as many cult classics in this one (In addition, no ASX! >:O), but there are much more recognizable titles, like Mississippi Queen and Welcome to the Jungle. It may not be a good first 360 buy, with the obvious price tag of 90 dollars, but you will be sucked in by the peer pressure. Give in to it. As a side note, it is a very good idea to raise your medical coverage if you plan on playing regularly. You will be sent to the hospital many, many times.

Those are the four of my favorite games, and the only four I own. I'm off to play GH3 now. See ya.

Hentai forever,

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