Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rant: Extremists are pissing me off!

Blech... Hey guys. Strep sucks ass, which is one of the reasons I REALLY, REALLY hate the fall. But something good has come out of my sickness, as it has fueled my rage into something worth blogging about.

As you can tell by the title, today's rant is going to be about extremists, more importantly, religious extremists.

Allow me to expand and tell you a little about myself and my religious views. Personally, I am an agnostic. Now, many people will automatically think I don't believe in God and that I'm a "burn the churches" kind of guy, but that's not the correct definition. An atheist is someone who completely disregards religion. As an agnostic, I believe in a higher power, or perhaps numerous higher powers. That would make a bit more sense.

But, as an agnostic, I am directly opposed to organized religion. If there is a god, then I believe it's content with having us live and die. I don't try and formulate some kind of symbol of a god in my mind or write a book describing my god down to the very last detail, or even build monuments where we can pray to my nonexistant god.

Being someone who believes in a higher power myself, I have no problem with ordinary religion. Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Jew, Scientologist; it doesn't make any difference to me. You have your religion, I'll have mine. Hell, I'm fine entering a civilized discussion with people over their religious beliefs and my own.

But there is a very thin line in the sand that people cross all too frequently, and it pisses me off to no end.

There are millions upon millions of Christians in the US alone, and most of them are good, normal people. They go to church, say their prayers and are able to live their lives without the fear of almighty God driving their every action.

It's time to begin our foray into religious extremism, starting with the Fearful Follower.

This kind of extremist is the one who is incredibly afraid of God, so much so that every move they make, they second-guess, just to make sure they're not committing a sin.

"Would you like a free chocolate bar with that, sir?"
"Are you crazy?! That's gluttony! That'd send me to hell! And you're going too for trying to tempt me!"

These people go to church not because they want to pay their respects to their creator, but go because they're so incredibly afraid that God will send them to a fiery pit of torment for all eternity that they feel they have no choice.

This makes no goddamn sense to me. People should be free to worship any god they want to because they're thankful for, you know, being created! Worshiping out of fear is not worshiping at all; in fact, it's oppression, something the United States has sworn to liberate people from.

Moving on to our 2nd Bible-Thumper, we have the Blind Follower.

These are the people who turn a blind eye to everything that doesn't deal with God, namely science and the history of their own religion. These people claim to follow every word in the Bible, which is fairly impossible, mainly for the fact that it's written by so many goddamn people. Why couldn't He just tell one of his disciples to write the book for him, instead of telling so many, and with a large time gap, too. I am of course referring to the Old and New Testaments.

In the Old Testament, God was a certifiable bad-ass, unleashing all kinds of plagues and such onto his enemies. This is where we get the 'put gays to death' and 'all blacks are sinful' works of Leviticus, which apparently every Christian clings onto into this day and age. You know, except for the blacks part, since that's illegal now. Then the New Testament comes along, and suddenly God's all about peace and love and 'thou shalt not kill' and all that malarkey.

So the question I pose to these people is why did God change his attitude towards people? And in doing this, is he admitting fault? This should never have happened, as God is all-knowing and omnipresent.

And let me tell you, 95% of the time, people will answer like this: "God had a plan, and he was executing it. He has a plan for all of us, including you." And the other 5% will skate around the question, not bothering to actually answer it.

We've gone a bit on a tangent here, so allow me to reel this train back on topic. The Blind followers are the people who don't know that Christianity was a sect from Judaism, or that the Crusades EVER HAPPENED. They also refuse to believe anything about the Solar System, beginning of the Universe or anything of the type. I'm fine with not believing evolution, but seriously; sometime you're going to have to wake up and smell the sulfur.

The Blinds are extremely annoying, because most just won't listen to reason. But they're nothing compared to our last class:

The Holy-Crap-Let's-Get-These-People-Some-Fucking-Therapy class.

You guys knew this was coming. These people are the ones who hide behind some obscure religious text as a way to instill hate and fear onto other people. The prime example of this phenomenon would be the Westboro Baptist Church, who combine all three classes of religious extremist.

This church has about 90 people altogether, mainly the Felps-Roper family. These people fucking infuriate me to no end! These people are so sick and twisted that they picket soldiers' funerals, holding up signs that "God hates fags" and "Thank God for IEDs." Their response to why they spread this hate? They "love all of God's decisions, and the military are fag enablers."

What in the fuck's a fag enabler in the first place?! Look, I understand you are opposed to gay people, but what in the name of fuck do you think gives you the right to hate other people for it?

And why a military funeral, you sick fucks? If it weren't for men and women giving their lives on the battlefield, you wouldn't have the ability to worship freely!

And what's more, they actually criticize the Catholic Church for being too soft and fag enablers themselves. What. The. Fuck.

Let me run down some of the other things they "thank God" for. They believe God organized 9/11 as a way to "wake America up," and he did so because he was angry at the fact that so many fags lived here. God will smite us all, and no-one is innocent. So it looks like we'll all burn in hell for things we didn't do.

These people just make me so FUCKING-

You know, I just had an epiphany. These people aren't sick, disgusting people who want to pervert the founding of a decent religion. They're professional trolls!

This entire fake religion was created for the sake of fucking with us! No ordinary human being is this messed up. They're running a 32 year scam on us, and it's been working!

Damn, these people are smart. In fact, I salute you, Most Hated Family In America. You've conned us all into believing you're a family of fucked-up people, and that takes some intelligence.

(Reality: I actually do believe they're faking, at least to a point.)

So, if you've skipped down here to the bottom, I'll give you the TL;DR version. Religion will always produce people like this, which is why I hate it being organized.

If I ever do become a productive member of society, I think I'll be a pastor, so I can save people from going down these paths of idiocy.

Videos to watch: Just type in "Religion" in the search videos bar. Make sure you watch the Jesus Camp rant too.

Hentai and common sense forever,

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