Saturday, May 3, 2008

Review of Iron Man

He was turned to steel, in the great...

Oh, there you are. Well, just got back from seeing Iron Man in the local theatre. It's not really important to the blog or my life, but it was pretty cool, so I think I'll tell you about it.

By the way, this may have some spoilers in it, but I'll try to keep them to a minumum.

The movie starts out with Tony Stark's convoy being ambushed in Afganistan. Then it cuts back to how we came to this senario; Tony's character being explained and introducing the Jericho missile system, which becomes a big part of the first half of the movie. I don't see why we had to start out with his capture and then move backwards. Doesn't make much sense to me.

Anyway, Stark is then called upon to build a Jericho for an anonymous Middle-Eastern dude that looks like the bastard child of Saddam and Osama. Obviously, this does not sit well with the gazillionare, but he has a piece of shrapnel stuck in his body that his captors are stopping from reaching his heart. But living in a cave all day does tend to get boring, so he designs a magnetic chest plate pacemaker thing that keeps the metal from killing him, hops in the first Iron Man suit and escapes, blowing up the missiles that said Middle-East dude bought from him.

Back in the good old US of 'do what the fuck we say or we'll be invading your country,' Tony now has access to good old fasioned American technology, so he goes about building the next Iron Man suit, the classic gold and hot-rod red we've come to know and love. He then goes off to destroy his weapons that the terrorists have, while looking bad-ass at the same time.

First impressions were very good. I don't know Robert Downing Jr. or any of his films, but he did seem to bring the role of Tony Stark, weapons mogul with a bank account so large you'd need both hands to count the number of digits in it to life. Something I like about Tony (And about most Marvel characters in general) is that he's... well, human. This is not to say that the Thing is going to be settling down with a white picket fence any time soon, just that he has human emotions and faults. He's a womanizer, a drunk, he's extremely cocky, he's late all the time, he gambles, and he has a knack for making people feel like douchebags around him.

Unfortunetely, most of the other characters are as flat as Safira's breasts. I could probably get the same feel for their characters by watching Python, any Jason film and Scream in a marathon. They just seem to have no personality to me. I've seen it before, and it kind of gets boring looking at the same stereotypes over and over again. Bald guy with beard=bad guy. Main love interest will eventually have to choose between letting her man die and killing the villian. Though I suppose it's alright since she didn't really make out with him at the end as they fly off into the sunset. I really wish movie directors would stop using these stereotypes. span>

Regardless of the other characters' lack of personality, the movie was very good overall. A couple of the action scenes were peppered with witty, actually funny dialouge, and although I want to stab the directors eyes out with a dessert fork for not using the Black Sabbath song for more than the fucking END CREDITS, this was a very enjoyable film.

If you're too young to enjoy Indiana Jones or too old to enjoy Speed Racer, then by all means, see this movie. You'll have a blast and you'll definitely remember it. I'd reccomend it to anyone who likes superhero movies or the last Transformers movie. I'd say it was as good, if not better than Transformers, and a hell of a lot better than Superman Returns.

I give the movie a 9/10. Almost everything is great, but the flatness of the supporting characters keeps me from giving it a perfect score.


haruko said...

HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT MOVIE WAS AWESOME WASNT IT OMG I JUST WENT AND SAW IT 30 MINUTES AGO AND SAT RIGHT NEXT TO THE FUCKING SPEAKER PLUS FUCK YOU ITS A 10/10 AND OMG ITS NOT THE MOVIES FAULT THAT COMIC BOOK WRITERS HAVE BASICALLY THE SAME LOVE INTEREST PLOT LINE BUT THIS ONE DID DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT I MEAN PEPPER DIDNT MAKE OUT WITH STARK AND USUALLY THATS WHAT HAPPENS im done yelling now but seriously thats like the first time thats happened and did you see stan lee? he was in there he was the old guy with the hot chicks that tony slaps on the shoulder and says something quippy to. also some bad guys are bald and dont have a beard (lex luthor, dr.doom, abracadabra, king pin) or have a beard and arent bald(mr. mxyzptlk, (future)magneto, green arrow)

but admittedly i had to really dredge those up. anyways i am so going and seeing that movie again because it was awesome.

word to your mother.

Anonymous said...

Heh, I want to see Iron Man. It looks bad-ass. Good to know it's pretty good. Iron Man has always been one of my all time favorite Marvel characters and favorite superheros period (though no one can top Batman). I'm definitely going to try and see Iron Man when I get the time. But I'm also excited about those other two movies you mentioned; Indiana Jones movies are always great and Speed Racer is bound to be some mind blowing nostalgia trip (the original Speed Racer show was probably the first anime I ever followed).